
Where temporary movement into a higher pay band results in only one extra pay point, the incremental date remains the same.
Where temporary movement results in more than one extra pay step point the incremental date for the period of the temporary movement becomes the date the movement began. Once the temporary movement ends and the person goes back to their original post, the increment date would revert back to the original date.

If an employee receives a permanent promotion their increment date will change to the date of their new start date.

Once an employee reaches the top of the payscale the increment date will never change.  For example, if an employee has reached the top of their payscale and was temporarily promoted to a higher payband, when the employee reverts to their substantive post, the increment date should remain the same as it was prior to the temporary promotion.  

The Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions of Service Handbook on the NHS Employers website contains further information.