
HR Shared Services (HRSS) will request the documents via the Amiqus Digital Pre-employment Checking (DPEC) system.

The candidate must then upload digital copies of the RTW documents via the DPEC system by clicking on the link provided to them in the initial/chase DPEC request email.

Providing DPEC can verify a candidate's Valid UK/Irish passport to a high or medium level of confidence, or the candidate is able to provide a valid Home Office share code, an offline review of the original RTW documentation will not be required.

The Home Office share code is used to generate the Home Office online output which evidences RTW. HRSS must also conduct a share code appointment via Teams video call to verify the photograph on the Home Office online right to work check is a true likeness of the individual to confirm RTW.

However, any other forms of RTW documentation (e.g., expired passport or birth certificate and National Insurance number) must be reviewed offline (in person). The candidate and recruiting manager will be informed if an offline review is required. This check must take place in order for the pre-employment checks to be completed.

If there is any doubt about the validity of the documents provided, this should be raised with the local HR Team who will contact the Local Counter Fraud Specialist.