
Who can move a vacancy from the Shortlisting stage to Interview?

The Lead Shortlister is the only person that can progress a vacancy from the Shortlisting stage into Interview.

The Lead Shortlister should do this once all candidates have been moved to ‘Shortlisting: Rejected’, ‘Interview’ or ‘Interview: Reserve’.

For further information on sorting Shortlisted candidates, please see the 'Shortlisting Process' article, found at the bottom of this article within the 'related section'. 

How to move a vacancy from Shortlisting to Interview.

Once all candidates have been transferred to the relevant status’, the Lead Shortlister will need to select the ‘Move Vacancy to Interview’ button.

Once selected, the Lead Shortlister will be prompted with an Interview Gateway screen. This screen requests all the required information to allow HR Shared Services (HRSS) to set up the Interviews.

Please follow the below table for guidance on what is required for each section of the Interview Gateway. Further guidance can also be found within the ‘Setting up the Interviews’ user guide in Trac.


Type of Interview: The Interviews / event to be held:

To select an option, click the required box so it highlights in blue. The options are as follows:

Face-to-face Interview
To be used if the Interviews are taking place in person. Generally, each candidate has their own individual time slot.

Assessment Centre
To be used when all candidates would be expected to arrive at the same time.

Remote Interview

To be used when Interviews are being hosted remotely, for example if they are being held via telephone or video call. Generally, each candidate has their own individual time slot.

If selected, a further drop down field will appear titled ‘Require candidate to enter contact details for the remote Interviews?’ The options presented are as follows;

  • None Required: The candidate will not be asked to provide any contact details. This option can be used when you are using a form of communication that does not require the candidate to create an account or have specific details to allow them to join the call, for example if you are using ‘Zoom’. Further details on joining instructions can be added later in the Interview Gateway.

  • Telephone Number: The candidate will be asked to provide their telephone number when booking in for their Interview via Trac.

  • Skype ID: The candidate will be asked to provide their Skype ID when booking in for their Interview via Trac.

  • Other, please specify: If selected, a free-text field will appear allowing you to specify the information required from the candidate. For example, if you are using Microsoft Teams you can ask for the candidates email address.

Whatever details you request from the candidates will be included in the Interview pack, which is sent to the Interview panel one working day prior to the Interviews taking place.


Type of Interview: How would you like the Interviews to be organised and scheduled?

To select an option, click the required box so it highlights in blue. The options are as follows.

First come, first served
This is the default setting. When selected, HRSS will create the Interview slots and email the candidate. When the candidate books onto the Interview, they will be given the next available slot. This avoids gaps in your Interview time table.

Candidate Choice
If selected, the HRSS team will create the Interview slots and email the candidates. When the candidates book onto the Interview, they will be given a choice of available slots.

Employer Choice
This option is not supported by HRSS. If selected, HRSS will change the selection to the default ‘first come, first served option.

Let the recruitment team decide
If this is selected, HRSS will change the selection to the default ‘first come, first served' option.


Interview Dates

Dependent on your ‘Interview Type’ selection, the following fields will vary. Please see the below table contents for how to complete this section correctly for your chosen Interview type.

When setting up Interview slots, you will need to take any required breaks into consideration. To do this you can choose one or both of the options below;

- Set up the individual Interview slots for longer than planned, to give time between each session for a break.

For example, if you expect an Interview to take 1 hour, you can set the slots for 1 hour and 15 minutes to give you 15 minutes between each Interview.

- For longer breaks such as a lunch break, you will need to add separate sessions using the ‘Add a session’ option at the bottom of the screen.

For example, the first session would include all Interview slots for the morning and the second session would include all Interview slots for the afternoon. 

Face to Face

Session Date:
Enter the date of your Interview. If your Interviews are going to take place over multiple days, you will need to create a separate session per day.

Start time of first slot: This is the time you would like the first Interview to start.

Finishing time of last slot: This is the time you would like the last Interview to end. Remember if you want to have a longer break, for example if you want a lunch break, the ‘finishing time’ would reflect the time you want to start your break. The rest of the slots will need to be added to a different ‘Session’.

Time Slots: This field is a dropdown.  It will ask you to confirm how many sessions you want to host in between the start and finishing time provided above.

For example, if your start time was 9:00 and your finishing time was 12:00. You may want to select ‘3 x 1 hour’ or ‘6 x half an hour’. These sessions are back to back which is why it is important to consider any required breaks.

How many candidates will be Interviewed at one time? Please enter how many candidates will be getting Interviewed per slot.

For example, you may have three Interview panels running at the same time and you would therefore enter ‘3’ into this field. This will mean three candidates can book onto the same time slot.

Full address, including post code: Please enter the address of where the Interviews will be held, being as precise as possible. If a post code is not provided, HRSS will be unable to set up the Interviews.

Report to: This should include the precise place and person (if applicable) the candidates should report to on the day.

For example, ‘Main Reception, Joe Bloggs’

The above selected results in the following XX time slots: This will give you an overview of the time slots available for candidates based on the information provided in the above fields.

Assessment Centre

Session Date:
Enter the date of your Assessment Centre. If you are planning to hold multiple Assessment Centres over multiple days, you will need to create a separate session per day.

Start time of first slot: This is the time you would like the Assessment Centre to start.

Finishing time of last slot: This is the time you would like the Assessment Centre to end. As these are not broken up into individual time slots, breaks and lunches can be taken throughout the day without having to build this into the Trac schedule.

How many candidates may attend: This is the amount of candidates you want to attend the Assessment Centre.

If you are splitting your Assessment Centre up over different days, make sure you enter the amount of candidates you want for this day only. The rest can be added as a seperate session. 

If multiple Assessment Centres are happening at the same time, provide the total amount of candidates you expect to attend all Assessment Centres that day. Which candidates attend which Assessment Centre can be managed by the hosts on the day, outside of Trac.

Full address, including post code: Please enter the address of where the Interviews will be held, being as precise as possible. If a post code is not provided, HRSS will be unable to set up the Interviews.

Report to: This should include the precise place and person (if applicable) the candidates should report to on the day.

For example, ‘Main Reception, Joe Bloggs’

Remote Interview

Session Date:
Enter the date of your remote Interview. If your Interviews are going to take place over multiple days, you will need to create a separate session per day.

Start time of first slot: This is the time you would like the first Interview to start.

Finishing time of last slot: This is the time you would like the last Interview to end. Remember if you want to have a longer break, for example if you want a lunch break, the ‘finishing time’ would reflect the time you want to start your break. The rest of the slots will need to be added to a different ‘Session’.

Time Slots: This field is a dropdown.  It will ask you to confirm how many sessions you want to host in between the start and finishing time provided above.

For example, if your start time was 9:00 and your finishing time was 12:00. You may want to select ‘3 x 1 hour’ or ‘6 x half an hour’. These sessions are back to back which is why it is important to consider any required breaks.

How many candidates will be Interviewed at one time? Please enter how many candidates will be getting Interviewed per slot.

For example, you may have three Interview panels running at the same time and you would therefore enter ‘3’ into this field. This will mean three candidates can book onto the same time slot.

Remote Interview joining instructions: This field allows you to enter any instructions to candidates on how to join the remote Interviews. This may have some pre-populated information dependent on what has been selected previously. If you would like to change this, please remove the information and type whatever is required.

For example, ‘At the time of your Interview please call XXXXXX’



In this section you will be asked to provide the details of the Interview panel. This section may have been completed when submitting the vacancy request.

When entering the panel members, please format the information as below:

Format: Name EmailAddress

Example: Jo Bloggs

As you type, the system will check for users already on the system with matching details. If that person doesn’t have an existing Trac account, they can still be added and will receive an email with instructions on how to log in and access the information.

Lead Interviewer

This is a mandatory field. The nominated person will be the only user who can update Trac with the Interview outcomes and progress the candidates and vacancy to the next stages of recruitment.

Other Interviewers

Any other Interview panel members can be entered here; however this is not a mandatory field.  If an Interview panel member is not entered, they can still conduct the Interview.

To add multiple lines, please select the ‘+ Add an Interviewer’ to create another line.

The name and telephone number for the main contact on the day of Interviews

The person named here does not need to be on the Interview panel. This contact can be anyone who is available to deal with any queries or problems on the day of the Interview.


Special Interview instructions

The Lead Shortlister will have the option to enter any special instructions for the Interview panel, candidates and recruitment.

Interview instructions for Interviewers

Anything entered here will be emailed to Interviewers when the Interviews are set up and will also be included in the Interview packs.

Special interview instructions for applicants

Any information entered into this field will be sent to the candidates by HRSS within the Interview invites.

There will be a preview box above which displays any special instructions as well as the below;

  • The main contact given at the gateway

  • Details about whether other Interview dates will be considered.

Both of the above will not be included in the instructions for the candidate. If you would like these details to be part of the Interview invitations, please copy and paste them into the ‘Special Interview instructions for candidates’ field.


Save Options

Once all required Interview sessions have been created and saved, the Gateway Sessions section will update with any sessions which have been created.

This will save the details entered and move onto the next stage. This should be used when no further information is to be added.

Save & edit
This allows you to save the session whilst allowing for further editing.

Save & new
This will save the session and load another blank ‘Add new Interview session’ form.

Save & clone
This will save the session and clone it. The page will load another ‘Add new Interview session’ form which will contain all the information provided in the first session except the session date.

This will not save the information you have input and will take you to the previous page.


Once the details have been completed in this section, please select ‘Move Vacancy to Interview’.

This will send an email, which you can preview, to HRSS who will complete the set up within Trac and issue the Interview invites to the candidates.

All panel members will receive a confirmation email when the Interviews have been set up.