Status | Description |
Not Started | The link has not yet been issued to the candidate by HR Shared Services (HRSS) |
With Candidate | The Occupational Health (OH) link has been issued and is with the candidate to complete. |
Chase Candidate | The OH questionnaire has not completed by the candidate within five working days of it being sent and therefore HRSS has chased this with the candidate. |
Sent to OH | The questionnaire has been completed by the candidate and is currently with Health Partners. |
Further Assessment Required | This indicates that the questionnaire has been completed with comments and is therefore under review with Health Partners. |
OH recommendations require review | Further comments provided on the completed questionnaire have been reviewed by Health Partners and now requires review by a HR Advisor. |
Fail | This indicates that the OH check has not been cleared. |
Success | This indicates that the OH check has been cleared and passed. |
What does the Occupational Health (OH) status in Trac mean? (NHSE)
Keywords: OH, OH map, OH sop, SOP, Process Map, OH Process, occ health, occ health process, occ health sop, occupational health process, portal, pre-employment, questionnaire, questionnaires, Duradiamond Healthcare, Occupational Health, OH, Medical, when is the OH questionnaire sent, OH Trac status, occ health questionnaire, medical questionnaire, does a candidate need a health questionnaire done, how does an occupation health work? , does a candidate need a oh, does a applicant need a oh, pre-employment checks, medical checks, duradiamond, medical questionnaire, what is a medical questionnaire, OH, Occupational Health, what is an OH check,