
HR Shared Services (HRSS) perform an Inter Authority Transfer (IAT) from your Electronic Staff Record (ESR) to clarify if you have any previous NHS service.

If the IAT does not provide your full previous NHS service information, you are responsible for providing HRSS with documentation to prove any previous NHS service. The list below outlines some examples of the documentation that can be used to provide as proof of previous service for the NHS in this instance:

  • Membership Statement 

    You can contact NHS Pensions on 0300 330 1346 to request a copy of your pension membership/service statement.  Please note a Total Reward Statement (TRS) is not acceptable.

    Please note the Pensions team will only be able to provide a service statement for any pensionable employment only. If there is no pensionable employment (e.g., You have opted out of the pension) this will show as a break in pensionable employment, and they will not be able to provide a service statement for that period.

    When you have received your pension service statement you must email a copy to HRSS

  • Payslips 

    You must provide pay slips for each month you worked for an organisation. Copies of payslips will be accepted.

  • Contracts and P45's

    You can provide us with a copy of your contract(s) for the period of employment(s) you are looking to prove.

    If the contract does not display an end date you will be required to supply an accompanying letter from your to previous employer to confirm the end date of the contract or alternatively provide a copy of the P45 for this role. 
  • Any other documentation that proves your previous NHS service

Please be advised that this is not a definitive list, the decision of whether the documentation provided is acceptable is at the discretion of NHS Business Services Authority (BSA).